Find Out Where Your Prospects Live Online

Inbound marketing methodology is about how you attract your target audience by using the power of high quality and relevant content. You will lead your prospects to your content through relevant keywords they use to search online. If you manage to get found, they will know your presence online since the result of search engines leads them to your web containing the content.
However, getting found online by your prospects is no longer enough. Your inbound tactic will be more effective if you know exactly where your prospects live online as well. If so, how are you going to find them then?

  • Industry Demographics

Industry demographics will assist you in finding where your targeted prospects mostly hang out. Social media platforms are the best match to find them, but you need to include industry demographics to be more specific with the result.
For instance, if your business deals with the fashion industry, do a little search on social media channels about it. If by any chance Facebook has the most post interactions about your industry, then you need to prioritize your campaign there. 

  • Look for Them

Finding your prospects online by yourself may take some effort. Nonetheless, the result will be effective to your inbound marketing methodology effort. There are some ways to find your targeted prospects online.
You can look for them in groups and communities on social media channels like Facebook groups. Keep in mind to find the groups or communities with little spam since the members will ignore the posts, assuming it is spam.
Forums and discussion boards are also useful to find your prospects online. Take a look at the topics categorized on the forums and discussion boards. Once you have found the right match, engage yourself with the members because they are your potential customers.
In addition, hashtags help you to find your prospects as well. Include hashtags (#) in every post on your social media channels so that your prospects can search what they are looking for when they use certain hashtags.  

  • User Demographic

Like industry demographics, user demographics can help you to discover where your prospects usually hang out. For example, let’s say your brand is for women in general. Then you have to focus on promoting and publishing your content on social media channels where the active users are mostly women.
Your inbound marketing methodology efforts will be more effective if you focus your attention on the spots where your prospects usually live online. Thus, you can post and promote your content to the right prospects without wasting so much time and effort.

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