Never Ignore These KPI’s for Your Inbound Marketing Strategy

How do you know if your inbound marketing methodology has done well or not? How to make a report on your efforts for your campaign? Of course, the answer is Key Performance Indicators or KPIs. In order to get a better impact on your strategy in the future, here are the lists of KPIs that you should never ignore.

  • Social Media Presence and Engagement

Social media plays a big part in inbound marketing strategy. Start assessing your effort on the shared contents and the interactions in social media by looking at the reach and engagement.

Through reach, you can see the potential growth of audiences seeing or interacting with your posts. To know the engagement, you can track how many audiences like your posts on Facebook and Instagram or retweet on Twitter. Never ignore the number of followers and how many mentions or tags on your social media channels. 

  • Website Traffic

Besides social media, websites can be a great tool for getting audiences. To know how many visitors on your website, track your traffic and find the opportunity to convert them to become leads.

  • Leads Conversion Rate

Do you remember the aim of inbound marketing? It is to use your contents to generate audiences and leads them to be your potential customers. Leads conversion rate is very important for sales growth since the more leads you get; you can increase your sales opportunities. Along with your sales growth, you can also get more awareness of your brand if you have more leads. 

  • Customer Lifetime Value

When you already get the leads and change them as your customers, it is time for you to know how to keep their trust and loyalty. It is important to predict the customer lifetime value for the sake of your brand awareness and of course, your sales growth. To figure out the customer lifetime value, you should track and count the sales of your average customer and your relationship with them.

In conclusion, KPIs help you to report on your inbound marketing performance. By knowing these KPIs, hopefully you can get a better result and produce better marketing strategies in the future.

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