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Choosing the Right Blog Topics for Audience

For first timers, creating blog posts for inbound marketing methodology campaigns can be an overwhelming effort. You may often wonder ‘what should I write about?’, ‘what kind of topics should I choose?’, and anything of the like.

Topics will be your base to create your posts, hence it is important to determine the right topics first before you get on with the whole writing process. If you run out of the idea to choose the right topics for your audience, just take a look at this article to solve your problem!

  • Look for Inspirations

If you are completely stuck on the ideas for your content, it is best to look at other blogs as your inspirations. The blogs are not limited only to your niche. As long as they do it right, you can follow their examples.

Try visiting your favorite blogs, then you should write down their article headlines and repurpose them in accordance to your niche and audience. It is okay to use other sources for your inspiration, but do not ever plagiarize their original works.   

  • All Comes Down to Your Audience

Inbound marketing methodology is all about your audience rather than your business. Your blog posts will gain more attention if they are all about your audience and how to solve their problems. That is why you have to choose the topics that are recognized or known by your audience.

For startups, the idea to get the best topics will come up if they know to whom they are going to market to and how to reach out to those people. For established companies, the best way to find the right topics for an audience is by interacting with them through online surveys or phone conversation.

  • Use Content Tools

Content tools like BuzzSumo are useful to discover trending topics that are relevant to your business. To use BuzzSumo, you only have to type what you are going to write about. For example, type ‘inbound marketing’ if you are going to discuss the matter.

After that the tool will reveal the most popular topics concerning inbound marketing along with their social shares result. In content creation, finding the right topics for your audience is crucial. If you choose the right topics, your inbound marketing methodology content will be valued by them.

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