Integrating Inbound Marketing and Paid Campaign

Thanks to social media marketing trends and HubSpot, many digital marketing players have embraced the idea of using the paid campaign in their inbound tactics. But, the question is, how does it work to make the biggest impact on your business if paired up with inbound?

You might think signing up for Google Ads and paying a certain sum of money will help you launch a successful paid campaign. Unfortunately, without thorough planning and execution, it is impossible to see the positive result from such a combination. Therefore, to optimize your digital marketing campaign, you should consider the following tips in order to integrate paid campaigns harmoniously into your inbound marketing tactics.

Paid Campaign to Optimize Your Conversion Rate

One of the things you need to do to improve the effectiveness of your landing pages is by increasing the amount of traffic. This means you have to spend some money to deliver more traffic to your landing page and that can be done through a paid ad campaign. Once you have run the campaign for the targeted conversion, you can lower the ad spending and let it work its wonder.

By using this approach, you can lessen your burden and focus more on important and urgent digital marketing tasks. However, it does not mean you should stop using A/B testing just because you have relied on ad campaigns. A/B testing still comes in handy even if you have increased conversion by single-digit, but it might become a lower priority.

Better Your Social Media Promotion

It is time to incorporate paid campaigns into your inbound tactics if you want to start your social media promotion. Use sponsored feed content and paid socially available on social channels, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. These channels will target the right users and deliver your content to them based on the targeted keywords. To make it work, you need to be precise and clear about your targeted users and keywords.

Not only that, you also need to choose the right channels where your prospects are mostly active. Even if your content has been optimized accordingly, the scoring and engagement will be flat if you post on the wrong channels. To avoid this, you can always do the testing before you decide which channel will deliver the best ROI. Consider the times of day your prospects are online so that you will know when exactly those social channels will publish your content.

Great Combination of SEO and PPC Campaign

You know how important keywords are to help you get found by your prospects through search engines. Keywords are also important to help you produce the right content for the right people. But before you choose the keywords, you need to run keyword research first so that you know what keywords you should come up with.

This is also essential before you create a pay-per-click [PPC] campaign to avoid wasting your budget. If you have selected the keywords, you can craft your PPC campaign to target the said keywords and optimize the results.

PPC campaigns can also benefit your content strategy. In this case, you need to use the keywords that have been targeted by PPC in your content so that you can gain more organic traffic while keeping paid traffic on your website. In short, the more traffic you gain from both approaches, the higher ranking you will get.

The paid campaign is like the polar opposite of inbound marketing. After all, it is part of outbound marketing. But with the right strategy, you can combine them effectively to gain many benefits.

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